Wednesday, February 25, 2009

points of exclamation

A wee me on top of one of their hill/ mountain, there is a rock here with graffiti from Victorian time!

I couldn't resist- We do eat potatoes every day!

This is in New Castle, their newly redone beach town.


  1. Your first photo reminded me of the movie "The Man Who Went Up A Hill and Came Down A Mountain", with Hugh Grant. About a fellow who went to Wales to make a measurement of a hill that the townfolk all thought was a mountain, but the measurement showed it wasn't so they hauled dirt up there to make it one. Great movie!

  2. Anonymous1/3/09

    Fabulous pictures! Keep 'em coming!


  3. Anonymous2/3/09

    You are cute!

    What a beautiful country, even without real mountains...

    Love you Dad....
